Sunday 15 November 2015

Benefits of Hiring A Document Shredding Service

We need to use our resources properly and judiciously. Failing to do so can prove damaging for our environment and our reputation through negligence. Government has realized the need of protecting environment for larger interests of the country’s citizens. Concerned about the vast amounts of paper and documents ending up in general recycling which is gravely threatening your data privacy, government and Europe as a whole has framed laws aimed at companies and businesses which are using an increased amount of paper and documents. For abiding to these laws, companies need to get their paper and documents destructed in a secure and environment friendly manner and get them recycled, so they can use them again.

For shredding and destructing the documents, a company may involve its own employees. But such an arrangement has got certain disadvantages. Firstly the employees need to be trained in data protection which would cost extra for the company. Secondly its employees will have to be shifted from their routine operations towards destruction duties. This would result in disruption of work and delayed projects which would cause losses to the company. Also it will have to buy the equipment used specifically for destruction and recycling paper which will cost a significant investment. Moreover there is no guarantee that the employees would not be accessing or stealing the confidential and important customer and company information contained in the documents. The company owner or representative will have no peace of mind as he will remain skeptical whether the data and information contained in the papers and documents has been destructed securely or not. These disadvantages can be avoided and documents can be destructed securely, properly, efficiently and fast by hiring a documentshredding Dublin service for the same.

A document shredding service has got trained, security screened and accountable personnel efficient in carrying out data destruction operations. It has got the logistics, latest and relevant equipment and transportation facilities for this purpose. The service will either destruct the paper on the company’s premises by transporting its paper shredding equipment there. Alternatively it will collect the paper from the company and transport it to a different place and undertake the destruction process there, recycle it and then transport the recycled paper back to the company. In both cases, data confidentiality is strictly maintained by the service’s personnel. The service will also provide the audit facility to the company for assuring it that its data has been securely destructed. A shredding service can destruct vast amounts of documents and paper in a fast and efficient manner by employing the latest equipment. The paper destructed and then recycled by it can be put to use by the company which will save its resources and money. Its time will also be saved as it no longer need to employ its own employees for the destruction work. Consequently their productivity will not suffer. The company need not buy its own equipment. So hiring a reputed corksecurity shredding service for paper destruction will not only prove advantageous for the involved companies, but will also help in protecting our environment.

Friday 23 October 2015

Hire Document Shredding Dublin For Peace Of Mind

With the rising scale of identity theft, it has become imperative for every business to safeguard their all official documents. These crimes are highly systematic in nature and tracking is almost impossible in most circumstances. In order to acquire some access on the confidential business data, your competitor needs just 1 piece of paper which has complete information. In simple words, this calls for an action that all the important documents should be shredded through the professionals to avoid unwanted situations and data breaches.
Nowadays, a small business should hire Document Shredding Dublin, just like bigger players in the industry. Your business papers are basically a potential source of information, that should be strictly shredded to not only preserve your confidentiality from the competitive world but also to avoid any fines, penalties and legal actions for voiding compliance with state, industry, and European Regulations. It is all due to the fact that, you cannot discard your papers like other waste, a systematic and standardized shredding process is essential for the security of your business. Remember one thumb rule- the more secure the destruction of the documents, there are less chances of fraudulent activities and data breaches to occur.
All the sensitive documents such as employee details, tax returns, bank account information, social security numbers or even loose documents that include essential information should be destroyed through the professionals who are competent enough to take care of each and every step of the shredding process while adhering to the legal standards of the government.
The document shredding company in Dublin will collect all your files and destroy them properly with the help of state of the art shredding machines. As a result, the files are shredded into little particle pieces that no one can ever read or put back together. Moreover, hiring a company from Cork for Security Shredding is a far more cost effective option and they will shred all the documents before your eyes and save all your confidential files from falling in the wrong hands such as competitor shareholders, investors, and internal staff that are always in seek of confidential information of other companies.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Pros & Cons of Paper Shredding Services

Any business, any organisation or institution whether big or small keep a large amount of paper data, documents & records. These records and documents need to be disposed of from regularly as it contains company's sensitive and confidential information which the company does not want to be leaked out to anyone. So, for this they go for paper shredding services where the confidential shreddingspecialists do paper shredding using their hi-tech shredding machines and destroy the data beyond reconstruction. Some paper shredding companies like security in shredding provide both onsite document shredding limerick services and offsite document shredding services in limerick & all throughout Ireland.
Now, if you are planning to hire a professional paper shredding service provider company then you must have a proper understanding of pros & cons of using paper shredding services.

  1. By opting for a paper shredding service you reduce the risk of identity theft through destroying documents containing information related to business operations.
  2. Companies don't have to rely on their own employees to complete these paper shredding jobs and leave important work tasks not to mention the risk to an Organisation when depending on employees to manage the sensitive waste data. By hiring a paper shredding company, you don't have to invest your time in shredding data instead utilizing your time in a more productive manner working on business aspects that are more beneficial for business growth.
  3. Paper shredding companies have appropriate hi-tech equipment & machineries capable of shredding high volumes of paper at one go. It is convenient and time saving. You don't have to travel to the paper shredding providers, they provide onsite shredding services in front of you while maintaining high confidentiality.
  • There are not many disadvantages of hiring a paper shredding company except that for smaller organizations that do not generate significant amounts of confidential information for destruction, the overall cost of employing a shredding service provider could be a point to consider. So, deploying a paper shredding setup at office or hiring a professional shredding expert depends on the cost it involves versus the sever risks of incurring penalties and company reputational damage when a data breach occurs.
So, now when you know the pros & cons of hiring a paper shredding service provider, you better make the choice wisely.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Paper Shredding in Ireland

There is a prominent increase in the demand of paper shredding services in Ireland in the past few years. The considerable amount of expansion in the demand of paper shredding services is due to the increasing risk of identity theft and the importance for an organisation to have a good reputation. Paper work and documentation of any company begins right from, when the foundation is laid and goes on till the time it is functioning and sometimes even after that, as you need to preserve the related documents.

No company wants such sensitive information to be leaked out to its competitors or to those with mal-interests so that's why they go for shredding services and that's where paper shredding ireland comes as a saviour. Whether you're looking for document destruction services to protect privacy and confidentiality or need to safely destroy data on outdated hard drives, usb’s, discs, and floppy disks paper shredding ireland keeps your confidential information secure by shredding it.

Hiring a professional confidential paper shredding service provider proves to be more beneficial rather than installing and setting up a shredding station at office. How? Let's have a look:

  1. Having a professional paper shredding company minimizes the risk of security breach which are caused by physical means like dumpster diving. The shredding companies destroy the information in a way that nothing is left in the trash for data thieves. When you insert material into your contracted waste bins you are giving up your right to the material.
  1. Shredding information minimizes the risk of identity theft and prevent information from going into the wrong hands.
  1. Shredding documents enhance privacy protection as privacy breaches are caused by simple human error. By hiring shredding service providers you can eliminate document management confusion.
  1. The shredding systems used by shredding companies are highly efficient to destruct all types of papers, hard drives, floppies, CDs.
  1. Ensures compliance with industry, and state legislation and regulations for information destruction that helps you avoid significant fines, penalties or legal action.
So, it is always better to go for a professional confidential paper shredding service providers for a better and secured shredding service.

Thursday 27 August 2015

How to Choose Paper Shredding Services in Galway

Setting up a new business in Galway region of Ireland calls for a lot of legal paper work, documentation, filings and submissions. These legal and confidential documents contain a lot of sensitive information about your company, your clientele, business partners, employees and even the associates & sponsors. Nobody wants this crucial information to be leaked out to others, so therefore, it needs to be kept secured by destroying it effectively which can only be done by a professional paper shredding service provider in galway that is EN 15713 certified, a registered data processor and a member of the ISIA.

Security in Shredding is one such professional paper shredding service provider in galway that uses Hi-Tech mobile shredding units that are well equipped with the latest shredding technology to ensure complete destruction of the confidential documents. The highly trained, professional staff ensures a smooth & effective paper destruction shredding without touching or seeing the documents, thereby maintaining its confidentiality. It is essential that your service vendor is a professional destruction company and not a waste operator, being a professional destruction company ensures that the prime concern of theirs is to securely destroy your material and there is no fear of conflict of interest. A waste operator views the sensitive material as a commodity and in turn have invested interest in receiving a high financial rebate when selling the material to the market, in turn increasing the risk of data breaches.

Now, before hiring or contacting a paper shredding provider in Galway keep the following parameters in mind:

  • For paper shredding galway, go for a company that provides a Certificate of Destruction at the invoicing stage. This certificate of Destruction is fully auditable which actually protects the client after the shredding service delivery.

  • By shredding we do not mean only paper & document shredding. There are companies who store their sensitive material in digital formats like hard drives, floppies, discs and media. So go for a company that is equipped to handle destruction of media and other formats of digital information materials.

  • Look for a paper shredding service provider with a good customer support team. The team should be able to provide you a free price quote and information regarding the services & facilities that their company provides for shredding requirements. They should be able to answer all your queries and response quickly via phone calls or emails.
  • Ensure that the data destruction Company is EN 15713 certified including certification for shred sizes (DIN Levels) that guarantee that the data is destroyed to the appropriate security level.

So, whenever hiring a professional shredding service providers in galway, keep these things on top for an effective shredding services.

Friday 21 August 2015

Document Destruction Shredding: What To Shred And When?

Secure document destruction shredding companies are the greatest ally and you are one of the most valuable weapons against common business issues such as identity theft, security breach, corporate espionage, private detection and others, but to maximize the power of companies you have to know what thieves ark looking for? Besides that knowledge, you need to decide how long and where you will need to keep that document in your workplace because thieves are constantly in search for top secret information. Undeniably, there is a long line of “keepers” both at home and work who believes in adage “we might need that someday so, don’t throw it out.”
The world has changed radically in the past few years and the growth of electronic goods has changed the retention of paper records and timing to destroy them as soon as possible. In fact personal and confidential company information can be easily accessed through the smallest leaks. So, what are identity thieves in search for? The answer is- almost everything that incorporates account number, signatures, date of birth, security numbers, bank statements and much more that divulges personal information.
The most important thing to remember is that you need to protect your personal information and taking some extra steps could be prudent. Some of the DIY steps can be tearing it off or burning them, being unsafe and unreliable steps thus, document destruction shredding is the best way to assure that whole information is turned out in pieces without any info leaks. As an employer or owner of a company, you must have possession of personal checklist information of all employees. This is a huge liability on your shoulders and should be a major concern to shred everything before it exceeds its retention schedule. The retention schedule for corporations reflects specific industry standards and potential liability issues. This schedule varies on the basis of type of industry and records. Like few important records are financial, business, insurance, tax, profit sharing employee records.
According to document shredding limerick, you should shred old document that have any of the following-
  • Account numbers
  • PINs
  • Passwords
  • Address
  • Social Security number
  • Signatures
  • Health Information
  • Date of birth
  • Other personal information
Identity theft is a scary issue for everyone. No matter you are managing your own personal records, owner of small company, working in a billion dollar enterprise- the leveraging risks are great and a specific disposal plan should be followed for storing and destroying documents.
The best step is to come in direct contact with document shreddinglimerick company because they have secure chain of custody that includes locked containers, on or off site shredding and team of professional document destruction specialists. This will eliminate all risks which employees might make the wrong decision that whether information should be destroyed or not. They not only deal in document shredding but also with e-media and hard drive destruction too. Plus, they are also adept in meeting recycling needs to improve client’s operation and ensure data protection compliance while aiding in protection of environment.

Friday 23 January 2015

Facts About Secure Paper Shredding

Ireland’s technologies are increasingly advancing in the area of confidential document shredding. Whenever talking about secure business strategy, Security In Shredding is the professional leader in areas such as Dublin and Galway.
Regular scheduled shredding service - Reliability Counts;
Security in Shredding provides their onsite and offsite secure shredding services to their clients and as a result the client has peace of mind regarding their securely destroyed data.
Security In Shredding provides purge shredding clear outs with its unique on-site mobile document shredding service. This service can be tailored and customized to the clients requirements or schedule. The trustworthiness and reliability of on-site mobile data destruction provider assists you persistently to meet the security and responsible needs of you or your business.
Enhances the efficiency with imperative security audits;
All Security Mobile Shredding Ltd. strive to go above and beyond industry norms by helping in tailoring the shredding schedule to a variety of aspects involved with your office. An in-depth security audit and mobile document shredding professionals certainly help you in determining the estimation of confidential or regular documents need to be destroyed according to the density and its personnel level.
Scheduled confidential shredding plans to fit all your business needs;
A certified, highly secure mobile data shredding service is an ideal solution to shred the documents regardless of the business size. What do you need to do? Contact Security In Shredding and explain to a representative, your document destruction requirements and they will accommodate your needs to the best of their ability. Business size depicts the schedule of shredding services with daily, weekly or monthly options.
No compromise in secure destruction has been entertained at Security in Shredding.
Security In Shredding has a strategically formulated business model.
The client’s paper data security is of paramount importance to Security In Shredding which in turn designates the success of company and provides security and peace of mind to client.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Why Document Destruction Is Important To Secure A Business?

Destruction need for your confidential data and document is the utmost priority to live securely. Have you been through a situation, where you have to act like a thief in order to get access to someone’s account? If yes, then what was the first thing you investigated? Well, many of you will search in his/her files and folders for documents holding their account information. Imagine, if you get all these details in a document you just used to wipe your coffee spilled on your table! Yes, it is obviously a good sign for a thief, who is just trying to get access to your accounts. Don’t worry, here the intention is not wasting your precious time by giving you this example. It is only to make you think why a business might need document destruction.
A below average thief will think of finding access details for someone’s account this way. But professional intruders and thieves are born to find a way to get through the security of your account. For them, a little hint of confidential details can act as a key to intrude and wipe all you have got. Well, here you don’t need to install a security lock for the dump area of your office or stop disposing your documents by increasing the storage space at your business premises. The thing you can do to secure your confidential data is to hire shredding Galway service providers.
You would be wondering what they will be doing to secure your business from facing unpredictable threats. As professional shredders, they will dispose your data securely and in a legislative compliant manner. By following highly efficient procedures, they completely destroy by tearing them into pieces and shipping them for recycling. This way, you will not only be able to destroy them completely, but also recycle them for use again. Everything is done in a procedural and environmental friendly manner to secure both your business and our planet earth.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Interesting Facts, Must Know About Paper Data Shredding

Maybe the business of shredding services won’t appeal to everyone. But if you ask the number of companies availing of paper shredding limerick, you would be seriously surprised by knowing the benefits and the business profits they are making from utilizing a professional data shredding service. Well, as I will explain to you, shredding companies destruct the information from company’s paper & electronic waste and recycle the same for their re-usability in making newspaper, egg cartons and kitchen roll. After running some R&D, I have gathered some of the interesting facts you must know about shredding.

  • When 1 ton of paper waste is recycled, it actually saves 17 trees, 7000 Gallons of water and 4000 KW of energy. Also must be mentioned the land they accommodate to do so. The 17 trees are enough to consume 250 lbs of CO2. Way to Go!!
  • In 1988, when US top court quoted that any personal waste once thrown in the public bins will be under government authorities. Home shredding machines took a steep growth in sales.
  • Want to be one of the confidential shredding specialists? Well, to destruct anything you need to be certified to do so in line with European and Irish Standards. Simply providing a certificate of destruction is no longer good enough as any Company can simply construct a cert of destruction.
  • Some of the advanced machines are capable converting your A4 size paper into 100s of tiny pieces up to a minimum size of 3mm!! Within The EN 15713 shredding standard there are shred sizes, the most professional and secure shredding providers can offer various shred sizes from No. 1 right up to No. 8.
  • In 1979, The US embassy was attacked by some Iranian revolutionaries in order to retrieve their identity documents. As the documents were shredded in strips only, it was easy to retrieve info from them. These urged the need of cross cut shredders and were developed instantly after.
  • With the rise in technology, standard cross cut shredders can be reconstructed, it is advised that Shred Size No. 6 (320 mm squared particles) is the ideal shred for security and beyond reconstruction.
  • Last but not the least; Abbot Augustus Lowe founded the first ever shredding machine in 1909. Though it wasn’t massive, but the latest of our shredders work on the derived principles of that machine.